<div id="maindiv">{
}<H1>Troubleshooting Guide</H1>{
}<p>What is wrong with your machine ?</p>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[
<div id="navigation1">[[My slush machine is Leaking->Regular Machine Leaks]]</div>
}(if: $machine is "COM")[
<div id="navigation1">[[My slush machine is Leaking->Compact Machine Leaks]]</div>
}<div id="navigation1">[[One or all of my slush tanks are not freezing properly->Freezing Problems]]</div>
<div id="navigation1">[[One or all of my slush tanks are not turning->Turning Problems]]</div>
<div id="navigation1">[[My slush machine is getting hot/overheating->Overheating Problems]]</div>
<div id="navigation1">[[My slush machine is making a clicking or another noise->Noises]]</div>
<div id="navigation1">[[My slush machine displays an error on the digital display->Engineer Callout]]</div>
<div id="navigation1">[[My slush machine is freezing on the outside->Outside Freezing]]</div>
<div id="navigation1">[[My slush mix is not the right consistency->Consistency]]</div>
</div><div id="maindiv"><H1>Freezing Problems</H1>{
}<H2>Good News!</H2><p>We may have a possible solution, please check the following.</p>
<div id="navigation1">[[Ensure machine has sufficient air flow]]</div>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[
<div id="navigation1">[[Clean your air filter/condenser->Regular Clean Air Filter]]</div>
}(if: $machine is "COM")[
<div id="navigation1">[[Clean your air filter/condenser->Compact Clean Air filter]]</div>
}</div><div id="maindiv">{
}<H1>Spiral Turning Problems</H1>{
}<p>Please choose from one of the following : </p>{
}<div id="navigation1">[[One slush tank is not turning but all others are ok->One Tank]]</div>
<div id="navigation1">[[All of my slush tanks are not turning->All Tanks]]</div>
</div><div id="maindiv"><H1>Overheating Problems</H1>{
}<H2>Good News!</H2><p>We may have a possible solution, please check the following.</p>
<div id="navigation1">[[Ensure machine has sufficient air flow]]</div>
}(if: $machine is "REG")[
<div id="navigation1">[[Clean your air filter/condenser->Regular Clean Air Filter]]</div>
}(if: $machine is "COM")[
<div id="navigation1">[[Clean your air filter/condenser->Compact Clean Air filter]]</div>
}</div><div id="maindiv">{
}<H1>Machine Airflow</H1><DIV id="instruction"><H2>Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p><b>Please ensure the machine has suitable airflow at all times</b>. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for repairs to machines that have been left running with restircted airflow. Serious damage to the machine can be caused if this advice is not followed.</p></DIV>
<p>For essential air flow and efficient running, allow a minimum of 25cm (10”) of clearance all around the machine. Please check that there are no obstructions which would block the flow of air in and out of the machine. Remove any obstructions accordingly.
If this does not cure you problem please go to :- </p>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[
<div id="navigation1">[[Clean your air filter/condenser->Regular Clean Air Filter]]</div>
}(if: $machine is "COM")[
<div id="navigation1">[[Clean your air filter/condenser->Compact Clean Air filter]]</div>
<DIV id="maindiv"><H1>How to clean your air filter/condenser</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p><b>Please ensure you clean out the filter/condenser at least once a month</b>. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for repairs to machine that have been left running with blocked filters/condensers. Serious damage to the machine can be caused if this maintenance is not followed.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2 .Unplug Machine Before Starting</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Electric Shock.png"></DIV><p>Please ensure you switch off your machine from the mains before proceeding.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Remove Cover</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Spin-Filter-001.jpg"></DIV><p>Remove black cover from left hand side of machine</p></DIV>{
<DIV id="instruction"><H2>4. Expose Panel Clips</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Spin-Filter-003.jpg"></DIV><p>Once exposed you will see some clips that hold the panel in place behind the black cover</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>5. Depress Clips</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Spin-Filter-004.jpg"></DIV><p>Depress the two plastic clips and the panel can be removed</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>6. Clean Filter / Condenser</H2><p>Behind this panel there should either be a square foam filter (which can be easily cleaned with soap and water) or the condenser which will need brushing and vacuum to clean properly. Please call to order a replacement filter if required.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>7. Replace Filter & Panel</H2><p>Replace the cleaned filter (if applicable) and secure panel and top cover. Switch on the machine, the machine may take a little while to start freezing again.</p></DIV>
<div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-This solution did not fix my problem]]</div>
</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>How to clean your air filter/condenser</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p><b>Please ensure you clean out the filter/condenser at least once a month</b>. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for repairs to machine that have been left running with blocked filters/condensers. Serious damage to the machine can be caused if this maintenance is not followed.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2 .Unplug Machine Before Starting</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Electric Shock.png"></DIV><p>Please ensure you switch off your machine from the mains before proceeding.</p></DIV><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/hXMe_OCPGGQ');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Release Vent Panel</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Smart-Filter-001.jpg"></DIV><p>The panel on the left hand side of your machine can be easily removed. It will have either two clips and shown in the picture or two screws (on later models). The clips can be pressed down which will release the panel. The screw can be removed with a suitable cross-head screwdriver.</p></DIV>{
}<div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/hXMe_OCPGGQ');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div>
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>4. Remove Panel</H2>{
}<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Smart-Filter-002.jpg"></DIV><p>Once you have released the panel, it can drop down and be placed to one side</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>5. Clean Filter / Condenser</li></H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Smart-Filter-003.jpg"></DIV><p>Behind this panel there should either be a square foam filter (which can be easily cleaned with soap and water) or the condenser which will need brushing and vacuum to clean properly. Please call to order a replacement filter if required.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>6. Replace Filter & Panel</H2><p>Replace the cleaned filter (if applicable) and secure panel and top cover. Plug in machine and switch back on, it may take a little shile for your machine to start freezing again.</p></DIV>{
}<div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-This solution did not fix my problem]]</div></DIV>
<div id="maindiv">{
}<H1>Please TEXT or Call</H1>
If you have arrived here then either none of the remedies have cured your problem and we would like to discuss this matter in more detail with you, please text HELP to 07520633584 and we'll call you back ASAP alternativeley call 0330 0536132 to arrange this. Please mention that you have followed this interactive guide.
Please note an engineer may be require to solve your problem with your machine and may be chargable, however no engineers will be arranged without your approval.</div>
<div id="maindiv"><H1>One Tank not turning</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1 .Check Power Switches</H2><p>Please ensure all switches are in the correct position as show in the picture{
}<li>Green On/Off Switch is in the on ("|") position</li>{
}<li>All Spiral Switches are in the on ("|") position</li>{
}<li>All Freeze/Off/Chill Switches are in the on ("|") position</li>{
}</p><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Switch Panel.png"></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p>Gearmotor failures will cause the spiral to stop turning. The main reasons for this are using an inferior brand of slush syrup, ice left floating in the tank when the slush machine is turned on and over dilution of the slush syrup (too much water). Please ensure that you check your mixing procedure for accuracy.
<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Mixing_Bottle_01.jpg"></DIV><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/CpLdiRdtphM');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div>
Snowshock cannot be held responsible for repairs to machines that have been operated under these conditions. Serious damage to the machine can be caused if this advice is not followed.</p></DIV><div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-This solution did not fix my problem]]</div></DIV>
<div id="maindiv"><H1>All Tanks Not Turning</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1 .Check Power Switches</H2><p>Please ensure all switches are in the correct position as show in the picture{
}<li>Green On/Off Switch is in the on ("|") position</li>{
}<li>All Spiral Switches are in the on ("|") position</li>{
}<li>All Freeze/Off/Chill Switches are in the on ("|") position</li>{
}</p><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Switch Panel.png"></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p>Gearmotor failures will cause the spiral to stop turning. The two main reasons for this are ice left floating in the tank when the slush machine is turned on and over dilution of the slush syrup (too much water).
Snowshock cannot be held responsible for repairs to machines that have been operated under these conditions. Serious damage to the machine can be caused if this advice is not followed.</p></DIV><div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-This solution did not fix my problem]]</div></DIV>
<DIV id="maindiv"><H1>Where is the leak coming from ?</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. From the tap/dispenser</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Leak-Tap-001.jpg"></DIV><p>Slush machine drips regulary from the slush dispenser/tap assembly.</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Regular Leaking Tap<-Click here for solution!]]</DIV></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. From the overflow outlets</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Leak-Seal-001.jpg"></DIV><p>Slush machine leaks into the drip trays through the overflow outlets at the bottom of the machine.</p><p>What colour is the liquid ?</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Condensation Normal<-Liquid is clear]]</DIV><BR><DIV id="navigation2">[[Regular Leaking Tanks<-Same colour as slush]]</DIV>
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. At the back of the machine</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Leak-Shaft-001.jpg"></DIV><p>Liquids leaks and appears at the back of the machine, this liquid is usually quite thick and can look like oil.</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Regular Replace Shaft Seals<-Click here for Solution]]</DIV></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>4. I Don't Know</H2><DIV id="illustration"></DIV><p>If you can't identify where the leak is coming from, please ensure the you check the following before contacting us: -</p>
<p><B>(a)</B> Drip trays are not overflowing. If the drip tray(s) keep refilling frequently then you have a leak, what colour is the liquid in the drip trays ?</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Condensation Normal<-Liquid is clear]]</DIV><BR><DIV id="navigation2">[[Regular Leaking Tanks<-Same colour as slush]]</DIV>
<p><B>(b)</B> Overflow intlet is unblocked.</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Regular Inlet<-Show me how to unblock this]]</DIV>
<p><B>(c)</B> Check & Lubricate tap parts.</p>
</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Regular Leaking Tap<-Show me how to do this]]</DIV>
<p><B>(d)</B> Check for damage and reseat all tanks and seals.</p>
<DIV id="navigation2">[[Regular Leaking Tanks<-Show me how to do this]]</DIV>{
}</DIV><DIV id="maindiv"><H1>Where is the leak coming from ?</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. From the tap/dispenser</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Leak-Tap-001.jpg"></DIV><p>Slush machine drips regulary from the slush dispenser/tap assembly.</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Compact Leaking Tap<-Click here for solution!]]</DIV></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. From the overflow outlets</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Front.jpg"></DIV><p>Slush machine leaks into the drip trays through the overflow outlets at the bottom of the machine.</p><p><b>What colour is the liquid ?</b></p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Condensation Normal<-Liquid is clear]]</DIV><BR><DIV id="navigation2">[[Compact Leaking Tanks<-Same colour as slush]]</DIV>
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. At the back of the machine</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Rear.jpg"></DIV><p>Liquids leaks and appears at the back of the machine, this liquid is usually quite thick and can look like oil.</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Compact Replace Shaft Seals<-Click here for Solution]]</DIV></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>4. I Don't Know</H2><DIV id="illustration"></DIV><p>If you can't identify where the leak is coming from, please ensure the you check the following before contacting us: -</p>
<p><B>(a)</B> Drip trays are not overflowing. If the drip tray(s) keep refilling frequently then you have a leak, what colour is the liquid in the drip trays ?</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Condensation Normal<-Liquid is clear]]</DIV><BR><DIV id="navigation2">[[Compact Leaking Tanks<-Same colour as slush]]</DIV>
<p><B>(b)</B> Overflow intlet is unblocked.</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Compact Inlet<-Show me how to unblock this]]</DIV>
<p><B>(c)</B> Check & Lubricate tap parts.</p>
</p><DIV id="navigation2">[[Compact Leaking Tap<-Show me how to do this]]</DIV>
<p><B>(d)</B> Check for damage and reseat all tanks and seals.</p>
<DIV id="navigation2">[[Compact Leaking Tanks<-Show me how to do this]]</DIV>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv">{
}<H1>Normal Behavior</H1>
Condensation which forms on the outside of the slush machine tanks is collected and funnelled in to the drip tray via the overflow outlets at the front of the machine.<p>
Simply remove the drip trays, empty, wash thoroughly and replace.</p></div>
<div id="maindiv"><H1>How to Fix a leaking Tap</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p>Please ensure that you lubricate the parts of the tap assembly as indicated below. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for replacing parts that have not been maintained in accordance with manufactutrers instructions.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Lubricate Tap</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Leak-Tap-002.jpg"></DIV><p>Please apply lubricant to the point indicated in the picture where the tap clips into the tank. The tap will need to be operated a number of times for the lubricant to take effect. <p> Please ensure you lubricate once every 28 days to ensure trouble free operation.</p><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/2H8quEXaiWQ');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div><div id="navigation2">[[Order Spare Parts<-I don't have any lubricant]]</div><BR><BR></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Replace Tap Sealing Plug</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Spin-Tap-001.jpg"></DIV><p>If the above solution did not work you may find the tap seal is damaged. Remove the tap assembly and insepct for damaged, you may find a small tear in the rim which will cause a leak.</p><BR><BR><div id="navigation2">[[Order Spare Parts<-Order Replacement Seal]]</div><BR><BR></DIV>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>How to fix a leaking machine - Regular</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Re-seat tanks</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Tank-Seal-001.jpg"></DIV><p>One of the most common cause of machine leaks is incorrect fitment of the tank seal. This is the big circular seal that fits onto the back of the tank which holds the slush.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Regular-Reseat-Tanks<-How to Re-Seat Tank Seals]]</DIV></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Lubricate & replace shaft seals</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/shaft_Seal.jpg"></DIV><p>The other most common cause of machine leaks is failure of the shaft seals inside the tanks at the front of the machine due to lack of lubrication around this part. The fluid travels back inside the machine and then back out into the overflow outlet or at the back of the machine as a thick goo type fluid.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Regular Replace Shaft Seals<-How to replace shaft seals]]</DIV></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Replace Shafts</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Inspect_002.jpg"></DIV><p>In some extreme cases where the above two solutions do not work then it may be the case that the shafts are worn. This is due to lack of lubrication over a long period of time causing the metal on the shafts to wear away and simply replacing the seals does not work, replacement shaft may be necessary.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Inspect-Shafts<-How to inspect shafts for wear]]</DIV><BR><BR></div>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>How to remove tanks from a Regular machine </H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p>Please ensure that you lubricate the parts of the machine as indicated below for trouble free operation of the slush machine. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for replacing parts that have been not been maintained in accordance with manufactutrers instructions.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Remove Tanks</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Tank_001.jpg"></DIV></DIV><p></BR><B>(a)</B> The tanks are held on by the lip on the black tray at the front of the machine as shown.</p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG WIDTH="400px" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Tank_002.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> Grip the tank as shown and gently push the tank upwards so it clears the black tray.<B> Please do not push the tank higher than this as you may damage the plastic at the rear of the machine</b></p><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Tank_003.jpg"></DIV><p STYLE="clear: left"></BR><B>(c)</B> The tank can now be pulled free from rear and removed from the machine.</p><BR><BR>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Remove Spiral & Shaft Boot</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Spiral_001.jpg"></DIV><p></BR><B>(a)</B> Withdraw the spiral from the machine and place to oneside.</p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Shaft_Boot_001.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> Remove the shaft boot from the shaft as shown.</b></p></DIV>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv">{
}<H1>Order Spare Parts/Lubricant</H1>
Frequently used replacement spare parts and lubricant are available from Snowshock. Please call 0330 0536132 to with your order.
Please note spare parts supply may be chargable.</div><div id="maindiv"><H1>How to fix a leaking tap from a compact machine </H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p>Please ensure that you lubricate the parts of the machine as indicated below for trouble free operation of the slush machine. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for replacing parts that have not been maintained in accordance with manufactutrers instructions.</p><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/ZIht5l9vufo');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Remove Tap Assembly</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tap-001.jpg"></DIV><p></BR><B>(a)</B> Remove the black pin and the tap handle.</p></BR></BR><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tap-002.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> Push the spring down</p><DIV id="illustration"><class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tap-003.jpg"></DIV><p STYLE="clear: left"></BR><B>(c)</B> Extract the spring, spigot and double lip piston from the tap outlet.</p><BR><BR></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Inspect tap seal</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Double-Lip-Piston-001.jpg"></DIV><p>Once the components have been removed from the machine they can be inspected for damage/wear and tear, you may find that the double lip piston has a small tear in it on the edge. If this is the case then you need to order a replacement. <b>If it is in good condition simply lubricate</b>, please follow instructions below.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Order Spare Parts<-Order replacement double lip piston]]</DIV><BR><BR></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Lubricate double lip piston</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Double-Lip-Piston-002.jpg"></DIV><p><B>(a)</B> Apply the approved Lubricant liberally to the part as shown.</p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Double-Lip-Piston-003.jpg"></DIV></BR><p><B>(b)</B> Ensure the lubricant is applied all around the double lip piston.</p><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/pBKM0M9ZGY0');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>4. Re-assemble Tap</H2><p>Re-assembly is the reverse of disassembly, follow step 1 in reverse.</p><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/v0TRvKQopeU');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div></DIV>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv">
<H1>Replace shaft seals on Regular machine</H1>{
} <DIV id="instruction">
<H2>1. Important Notice !</H2>
<DIV id="illustration">
<IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png">
</DIV><p>Please ensure that you lubricate the parts of the machine as indicated below for trouble free operation of the slush machine. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for replacing parts that have been not been maintained in accordance with manufactutrers instructions.</p>
} <DIV id="instruction">
<H2>2. Remove old seals</H2>
<DIV id="illustration">
<IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_001.jpg">
<div id="navigation2">[[Regular - Remove Tanks<-I don't know how to remove the tanks]]
<p><B>(a)</B> To remove old shaft shaft seals you will need to empty all the liquid from the machine and remove the tanks, sprial and shaft boot from the machine.</p>
<p STYLE="clear: right">
<DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_02.jpg">
</BR></BR><B>(b)</B> Grip the seal tightly with a pair of pliers or similar and twist & pull. The seal should come out fairly easily, discard these old seals. Clean inside where the seal is fitted before proceeding to the next step.</p><BR><BR></DIV><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/O8SPsEc3eFE');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Inspect shafts</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Inspect_002.jpg"></DIV><p>At this stage we advise inspecting your shafts for signs of wear. Wear can be caused by lack of lubrication over a long period of time causing the metal on the shafts to wear away and simply replacing the seals does not work, replacement shafts may be necessary.<B> Please ensure you inspect your shafts before fitting new seals.</B></p><p>Examine closely where indicated, the shaft should be the same thickness for its full length. If the shaft is not the same thickness and is ridged as shown in the picture (use your finger to feel the ridge) it will need replacing.</p><BR><div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-Click Here if the shafts are worn]]</div><BR></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>4. Fit New Seals & Lubricate</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_004.jpg"></DIV><p></BR></BR>Apply a small amount of lubricant around the new shaft seal and insert into the machine. When fully inserted the orange seals will not be visible.<p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_005.jpg"></DIV></BR></BR>Apply lubricant where indicated and reassemble the machine.</p><BR><BR><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/pLbb-RMah-8"><B>Watch a Video</B></div></DIV>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>How to re-seat tank seals on a Regular machine </H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Remove Tanks</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Tank_001.jpg"></DIV><p></BR><B>(a)</B> The tanks are held on by the lip on the black tray at the front of the machine as shown.</p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Tank_02.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> Grip the tank as shown and gently push the tank upwards so it clears the black tray.<B> Please do not push the tank higher than this as you may damage the plastic at the rear of the machine</b></p><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Tank_003.jpg"></DIV><p STYLE="clear: left"></BR><B>(c)</B> The tank can now be pulled free from rear and removed from the machine.</p><BR><BR></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Remove Tank Seal</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Tank-Seal-001.jpg"></DIV><p></BR>Inspect the tank seal for any signs of damage that may be causing the leak. New seal can be ordered if necessary.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Order Spare Parts<-Order Replacement Tank Seal]]</DIV></BR></BR><p>If the tanks seal looks ok fit it back onto the tank, apply a small amount of lubricant around the inside lip of the seal where it touches the stainless steel barrel to help re-fit the tank easily.</p><BR><BR>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Refit the Tank</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Tank_004.jpg"></DIV><p></BR>Push the tank back into position, ensuring it clips behind the lip of the plastic tray</p><BR><BR><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/pLbb-RMah-8');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv">
<H1>Replace shaft seals on Regular machine</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction">
<H2>1. Inspect Shafts</H2>
<DIV id="illustration">
<IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_001.jpg">
<div id="navigation2">[[Regular - Remove Tanks<-I don't know how to remove the tanks]]
<p><B>(a)</B> To expose the shafts you need empty all the liquid and remove the tanks, sprial and shaft boot from the machine.</p>
<p STYLE="clear: right">
<DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_005.jpg">
</BR></BR><B>(b)</B> Check each shaft for wear where indicated</p><BR><BR>
}<DIV id="instruction">
<H2>2. Remove Gearmotor</H2>
<DIV id="illustration">
<IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_001.jpg">
<div id="navigation2">[[Regular - Remove Tanks<-I don't know how to remove the tanks]]
<p><B>(a)</B> To remove old shaft shaft seals you will need to empty all the liquid from the machine and remove the tanks, sprial and shaft boot from the machine.</p>
<p STYLE="clear: right">
<DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_02.jpg">
</BR></BR><B>(b)</B> Grip the seal tightly with a pair of pliers or similar and twist & pull. The seal should come out fairly easily, discard these old seals. Clean inside where the seal is fitted before proceeding to the next step.</p><BR><BR>
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Fit New Seals & Lubricate</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_004.jpg"></DIV><p></BR></BR>Apply a small amount of lubricant around the new shaft seal and insert into the machine. When fully inserted the orange seals will not be visible.<p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_005.jpg"></DIV></BR></BR>Apply lubricant where indicated and reassemble the machine.</p><BR><BR><BR><BR></DIV>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>How to fix a leaking machine - Compact</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Re-seat tanks</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-Seal-001.jpg"></DIV><p>One of the most common cause of machine leaks is incorrect fitment of the tank seal. This is the big circular seal that fits onto the back of the tank which holds the slush.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Compact-Reseat-Tanks<-How to Re-Seat Tank Seals]]</DIV></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Lubricate & replace shaft seals</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/shaft_Seal.jpg"></DIV><p>The other most common cause of machine leaks is failure of the shaft seals inside the tanks at the front of the machine due to lack of lubrication around this part. The fluid travels back inside the machine and then back out into the overflow outlet or at the back of the machine as a thick goo type fluid.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Compact Replace Shaft Seals<-How to replace shaft seals]]</DIV></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Replace Shafts</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Inspect_002.jpg"></DIV><p>In some extreme cases where the above two solutions do not work then it may be the case that the shafts are worn. This is due to lack of lubrication over a long period of time causing the metal on the shafts to wear away and simply replacing the seals does not work, replacement shaft may be necessary.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Inspect-Shafts<-How to inspect shafts for wear]]</DIV><BR><BR></div>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>Replace shaft seals on Compact machine</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p>Please ensure that you lubricate the parts of the machine as indicated below for trouble free operation of the slush machine. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for replacing parts that have been not been maintained in accordance with manufactutrers instructions.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Remove old seals</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_001.jpg"></DIV><p><B>(a)</B> To remove old shaft shaft seals you will need to empty all the liquid from the machine and remove the tanks, sprial and shaft boot from the machine.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Compact - Remove Tanks<-I don't know how to remove the tanks]]</div></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_002.jpg"></DIV></BR></BR><B>(b)</B> Grip the seal tightly with a pair of pliers or similar and twist & pull. The seal should come out fairly easily, discard these old seals.</p><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_001.jpg"></DIV><p STYLE="clear: left"></BR></BR><B>(c)</B> Clean inside where the seal is fitted before proceeding to the next step.</p><BR><BR></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Inspect shafts</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Inspect_002.jpg"></DIV><p>At this stage we advise inspecting your shafts for signs of wear. Wear can be caused by lack of lubrication over a long period of time causing the metal on the shafts to wear away and simply replacing the seals does not work, replacement shafts may be necessary.<B> Please ensure you inspect your shafts before fitting new seals.</B></p><p>Examine closely where indicated, the shaft should be the same thickness for its full length. If the shaft is not the same thickness and is ridged as shown in the picture (use your finger to feel the ridge) it will need replacing.</p><BR><div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-Click Here if the shafts are worn]]</div><BR></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>4. Fit New Seals & Lubricate</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_004.jpg"></DIV><p></BR></BR>Apply a small amount of lubricant around the new shaft seal and insert into the machine. When fully inserted the orange seals will not be visible.<p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_005.jpg"></DIV></BR></BR>Apply lubricant where indicated and reassemble the machine.</p><BR><BR><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/O8SPsEc3eFE');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>How to re-seat tank seals on a Comapact machine </H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Remove Tanks</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-001.jpg"></DIV><p></BR><B>(a)</B> The tanks are held on by the lip on the black tray at the front of the machine as shown.</p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-002.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> Grip the tank as shown and gently push the tank upwards so it clears the black tray.<B> Please do not push the tank higher than this as you may damage the plastic at the rear of the machine</b></p><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-003.jpg"></DIV><p STYLE="clear: left"></BR><B>(c)</B> The tank can now be pulled free from rear and removed from the machine.</p><BR><BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-004.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(d)</B> Remove the tank seal from the rear of the tank.</b></p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Inspect Tank Seal</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/compact-Tank-Seal-001.jpg"></DIV></BR><p><B>(a)</B> Inspect the tank seal for any signs of damage that may be causing the leak. A new seal can be ordered if necessary.</p><div id="navigation2">[[Order Spare Parts<-Order Replacement Tank Seal]]</DIV></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-005.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> If the tanks seal looks ok fit it back over the stainless steel barrel.</p><BR><BR></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Refit the Tank</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-006.jpg"></DIV><p></BR><B>(a)</B> Apply a small thin film of lubricant around the inside rim of the tank prior to re-fitting.</p><BR><BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-001.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> Push the tank back into position, ensuring it clips behind the lip of the black plastic tray and the orange tank seal does not become forced out of place.</p><BR><BR><div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/Noaj9W2vPfI');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>How to remove tanks from a Compact machine </H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p>Please ensure that you lubricate the parts of the machine as indicated below for trouble free operation of the slush machine. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for replacing parts that have been not been maintained in accordance with manufactutrers instructions.</p>
<div id="videolink" onclick="window.open('https://youtu.be/Mr_ySF9CJPI');"><B>Watch a Video</B></div></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Remove Tanks</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-001.jpg"></DIV><p></BR><B>(a)</B> The tanks are held on by the lip on the black tray at the front of the machine as shown.</p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-002.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> Grip the tank as shown and gently push the tank upwards so it clears the black tray.<B> Please do not push the tank higher than this as you may damage the plastic at the rear of the machine</b></p><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-003.jpg"></DIV><p STYLE="clear: left"></BR><B>(c)</B> The tank can now be pulled free from rear and removed from the machine, a small aount of force may be required to release the tank from the seal.</p><BR><BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Tank-004.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(d)</B> Remove the tank seal from the rear of the tank.</b></p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Remove Spiral & Shaft Boot</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Spiral_001.jpg"></DIV><p></BR><B>(a)</B> Withdraw the spiral from the machine and place to oneside.</p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular_Shaft_Boot_001.jpg"></DIV></BR><B>(b)</B> Remove the shaft boot from the shaft as shown.</b></p><p STYLE="clear: left"></p><BR><BR></DIV>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>Machine is freezing on the outside</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Under Diluted Product</H2><p>If an undiluted (not enough water) mix is put into one or both tanks then the machine is likley to freeze on the outside. Simply let the slush defrost and remove it from the machine, re-fill with correctly mixed product.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Leaving the machine on continously (24 hours)</H2><p>If the machine is left running continously (during the day and overnight) then the machine is likley to freeze on the outside, please ensure the machine is switched to chill mode to allow the ice to defrost each day before switching back into slush mode .</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Sour Apple & Sour Cherry</H2><p>Freezing on the outside can be experienced if serving either Sour Apple or Sour Cherry, please ensure the ice is fully defrosted before switching into slush mode in the morning.</p><BR><BR></DIV></DIV><div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-This solution did not fix my problem]]</div>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>How To Inspect for Worn Shafts</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Important Notice !</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p>Please ensure that you lubricate the parts of the machine as indicated below for trouble free operation of the slush machine. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for replacing parts that have been not been maintained in accordance with manufactutrers instructions.</p></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Remove old seals</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_001.jpg"></DIV><p><B>(a)</B> To remove old shaft shaft seals you will need to empty all the liquid from the machine and remove the tanks, sprial and shaft boot from the machine.</p>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[<div id="navigation2">[[Regular - Remove Tanks<-I don't know how to remove the tanks]]</div>]{
}(if: $machine is "COM")[<div id="navigation2">[[Compact - Remove Tanks<-I don't know how to remove the tanks]]</div>]{
}</BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Seal_002.jpg"></DIV></BR></BR><B>(b)</B> Grip the seal tightly with a pair of pliers or similar and twist & pull. The seal should come out fairly easily, please be careful not to damage them.</p><BR><BR></DIV>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>3. Inspect Shafts For Wear</H2><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Inspect_001.jpg"></DIV><p></BR></BR><B>(a)</B>Once the shaft seal has been removed you will be able to inspect the end of the shaft for wear.<p></BR></BR><p STYLE="clear: right"><DIV id="illustration2"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Shaft_Inspect_002.jpg"></DIV></BR></BR><B>(b)</B>Examine closely where indicated, the shaft should be the same thickness for its full length. If the shaft is not the same thickness and is ridged as shown in the picture (use your finger to feel the ridge) it will need replacing</p><BR><BR><div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-Click Here if the shafts are worn]]</div></div>{
}</DIV>(set: $machine to "")
<div id="maindiv">{
}<H1>Troubleshooting Guide</H1>{
}<H2>Choose Your Slush Machine</H2><DIV STYLE="width: 49%; float: left;" ALIGN="center">{
}[<IMG SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular2.jpg"><IMG SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular3.jpg"><BR><div id="navigation1">Regular Twin/Treble</div>]<link1|</DIV>{
}<DIV STYLE="width: 49%; float: right;" ALIGN="center">[<IMG SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact2.jpg"><IMG SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact3.jpg"><BR><div id="navigation1">Compact Twin/Treble<div>]<link2|</DIV>
(click: ?link1)[(set: $machine to "REG")(goto: "Sub Menu")]
(click: ?link2)[(set: $machine to "COM")(goto: "Sub Menu")]
</div><div id="maindiv"><H1>Machine is noisy</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>Common Noises</H2><p>Slush machines by their very nature are noisy and will make various noises during normal operation :-{
}<LI><B>Clicking</B></LI>This is a normal noise and <B>happens very frequently when the slush machine is new</B>, after a few days the noise will settle down. Clicking will then be heard on a regular basis from the rear of the machine as the internal valves open and close. If your machine seems to click too regular then try making the consistency of the slush thicker.<BR>
<div id="navigation1">[[How to Make Consistency Thicker->Consistency]]</div><BR>{
}<LI><B>Squeaking</B></LI>This can be a result of the slush not covering the stainless steel barrels fully. The spiral and barrel when left dry can be noisy as it goes around, please ensure that the stainless steel barrel is covered with the slush mixture at all times.{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>Switch Off Machine</H2><p>If your machine is making an unusual noise different from the above, please <b>turn off</b> all the spirals, freezing and the main power switch as indicated below.</p>{
}<li>Green On/Off Switch is in the on ("O") position</li>{
}<li>All Spiral Switches are in the on ("O") position</li>{
}<li>All Freeze/Off/Chill Switches are in the on ("O") position</li>{
}</ul><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Switch Panel.png">
<B>Now turn the Green On/Off Switch to the on ("1") position and select the relevant response (please note make sure the spirals are NOT turning at this stage)</B></p>
<div id="navigation1">[[Machine is still making the Noise->Identify Noise]]</DIV>
<div id="navigation1">[[Machine is not making the Noise->Noise from Tanks]]</DIV></DIV>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>Slush Consistency Problems</H1><H2>Too thick or too thin ?</H2>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>1. Slush is too thin</H2>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Warning Sign.png"></DIV><p><b>A blocked air filter/condenser can cause your slush to be too thin. Please ensure you clean out the filter/condenser at least once a month</b>. Snowshock cannot be held responsible for repairs to machine that have been left running with blocked filters/condenser. <b>Serious damage to the machine can be caused if this maintenance is not followed. Before you start any adjustments please ensure your air filter/consender is clean.</b></p></DIV>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[
<div id="navigation1">[[Clean your air filter/condenser->Regular Clean Air Filter]]</div>
}(if: $machine is "COM")[
<div id="navigation1">[[Clean your air filter/condenser->Compact Clean Air filter]]</div>
}(if: $machine is "REG")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Toothin001.jpg"></DIV>]{
}(if: $machine is "COM")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Toothin001.jpg"></DIV>]{
}<p><B>(a)</B> If you think your slush is too thin, like in the picture above it is a simple task to correct.</p><BR>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Adjustment002.jpg"></DIV>]{
}(if: $machine is "COM")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Adjustment002.jpg"></DIV>]{
}<p><B>(b)</B> Working from the rear of the machine locate the adjustment indicator and adjusment screw above it for the tank you would like to change. <B>Please note each tank has its own individual adjustment screw and indicator.</B></p>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Adjustment004.jpg"></DIV>]{
}(if: $machine is "COM")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Adjustment004.jpg"></DIV>]{
}<p><B>(c)</B> To make the slush thicker, take a small flat screwdriver and turn the screw <B>COUNTER-CLOCKWISE</B>. You will notice the adjustment indicator moving downwards. <B>Only allow the adjustment indicator to move 1/2 a notch at a time before waiting 1/2 hour to see if your slush consistentcy has improved</B>. After waiting 1/2 hour further adjustments can be made accordingly.</B></p></div>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>2. Slush is too thick</H2>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Toothick001.jpg"></DIV>]{
}(if: $machine is "COM")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Toothick001.jpg"></DIV>]{
}<p><B>(a)</B> If you think your slush is too thick, like in the picture above it is a simple task to correct.</p><BR>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Adjustment002.jpg"></DIV>]{
}(if: $machine is "COM")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Adjustment002.jpg"></DIV>]{
}<p><B>(b)</B> Working from the rear of the machine locate the adjustment indicator and adjusment screw above it for the tank you would like to change. <B>Please note each tank has its own individual adjustment screw and indicator.</B></p>{
}(if: $machine is "REG")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Regular-Adjustment003.jpg"></DIV>]{
}(if: $machine is "COM")[<DIV id="illustration"><IMG class="displayed" SRC="https://werslush.co.uk/guidepictures/Compact-Adjustment003.jpg"></DIV>]{
}<p><B>(c)</B> To make the slush thicker, take a small flat screwdriver and turn the screw <B>CLOCKWISE</B>. You will notice the adjustment indicator moving upwards. <B>Only allow the adjustment indicator to move 1/2 a notch at a time before waiting 1/2 hour to see if your slush consistentcy has improved</B>. After waiting 1/2 hour further adjustments can be made accordingly.</B></p></div{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv">WORK IN PROGRESS</div><div id="maindiv">WORK IN PROGRESS</div><div id="maindiv"><H1>Machine is noisy</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><p>OK, we have established that your machine does not makes the noise when first turned on, <b>without the spirals turning</b>. Now we're going to turn each tank on in-turn to try and identify where the noise is coming from.</p><UL><LI>Please turn the first sprial in the first tank by switching it to the on ("1") position. If the slush machine makes the noise, make a note of which tank and click the button below.</LI><LI>If there is no noise, trun that spiral off and turn on the next tank and repeat.</LI></UL></p><p><b>Please make a note of which tank causes the noise when switched on before clicking below.</b></p>
<div id="navigation1">[[Engineer Callout<-Machine is making the Noise]]</div>{
}</DIV><div id="maindiv"><H1>Machine is noisy</H1>{
}<DIV id="instruction"><H2>What is the noise ?</H2><p>Please click an option below which best describes the noise you are experiencing</p>{
}<div id="navigation1">[[High pitch squealing/squeaking noise->Engineer Callout]]</DIV><BR>{
}<div id="navigation1">[[Low pitch loud vibrating noise->Engineer Callout]]</DIV><BR>{
}<div id="navigation1">[[None of the above->Engineer Callout]]</DIV></DIV>{